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 [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki

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3 participants
동방신기 addict !
동방신기 addict !

Féminin Nombre de messages : 2337
Age : 35
Localisation : Là ou le vent m'emporte
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2006

[ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki Empty
MessageSujet: [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki   [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki Icon_minitime1Jeu 16 Sep 2010 - 22:13

[ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki Dzf620

JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN will be halting all activities in Japan for the time being.

The management company in Korea representing JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN, C-JeS ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD’s representative was reported to have been found guilty of using his father's power and ties with gangs to blackmail the artist he was responsible for, and served time for coercion. Avex has been investigating the validity of news reports, and it was found that, though the speculations of the head's ties with gangs cannot be verified, the rest of the report stated above was factual.

Also, as the exclusive contract lawsuit is still progressing for JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN in Korea, the probability of our company’s exclusive contract with the company being invalid has become higher.

As our company focuses on compliance, to comply with our business ethics and policies, until this issue has been resolved, we have decided not to continue with the management of the artists’ activities in Japan.

To all the fans that support JUNSU/JEJUNG/YUCHUN, we offer our deepest apologies for the news that have caused you worry. In addition, regarding the companies above decision, we hope that you will grant us your understanding.

With regards to the scheduled release of products and services that are ongoing, there will be no changes as of now. Also, SM Entertainment’s management states that there has been no change in the exclusive contract for the 5 members of Tohoshinki. As our company has often mentioned, we will continue to try our best to re-start Tohoshinki’s activities.
Credit : Soompi+me

En gros ce qu'il faut retenir c'est qu'il y aura plus de JYJ pour le moment, mais l'album sortira quand même en octobre.
Et qu'ils sont encore en contact avec SME pour "essayer" de recommencer leurs carrières à 5.
Pour la traduction je laisse aux personnes compétantes XD
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☆ TVXQ 사랑 ☆
☆ TVXQ 사랑 ☆

Féminin Nombre de messages : 3424
Age : 36
Localisation : partout sauf ailleurs
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki   [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki Icon_minitime1Lun 20 Sep 2010 - 15:12


Ouais des nouvelles chansons ~

(que dire d'autre)
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Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Féminin Nombre de messages : 624
Age : 31
Localisation : in france !!
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki   [ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki Icon_minitime1Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 19:29

J'espere que Leur Essaye Relanceras Le Groupe A Nouveau Smile
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[ARCHIVES] 100916 Trio Tohoshinki
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