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 [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...

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동방신기 addict !
동방신기 addict !

Nombre de messages : 955
Age : 34
Localisation : dans une plaine verte facon dbz en train de se chamailler avec Yuyu
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 24 Sep 2006 - 20:12

yeah!! powa mon grand!!! tu vas cartonner je le sens a donf!!
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Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Féminin Nombre de messages : 259
Age : 32
Localisation : with my sweet prince... Mais qui est-ce? :p
Date d'inscription : 17/07/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 24 Sep 2006 - 20:31

Ô.o Shupeer! =DD C'est shuper cool saa! ^^

'Fin... J'ai pas la chaine coréenne nausshi u_u"
Pas 'rav j'irai squattée chez Rinrin huhuhu :p

Merchi bicouup pour l'infoo grosse babine
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동방신기 addict !
동방신기 addict !

Féminin Nombre de messages : 2406
Age : 32
Localisation : Au milieu des Suju <3
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 25 Sep 2006 - 16:38

a ce que j'ai compris dans un petit texte en anglais,Jaejoong a tourne l'emission aujourd'hui, le 25 septembre, donc on devrait avoir la video dans quelques jours je pense (j'éspère oui !!) lol
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동방신기 addict !
동방신기 addict !

Féminin Nombre de messages : 2337
Age : 36
Localisation : Là ou le vent m'emporte
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 25 Sep 2006 - 16:45

Bon moi aussi j'ai des news!
Selon une information en chinois, les 5memebres de DBSK iront ensemble tourné dans l'émission de X-man de ce soir!(c'est à dire Changmin aussi!)Et que c'est un spécial X-man avec beaucoup plus de stars que d'habitude!
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동방신기 addict !
동방신기 addict !

Féminin Nombre de messages : 2406
Age : 32
Localisation : Au milieu des Suju <3
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Lun 25 Sep 2006 - 17:47

cool !!!! c'est génial ça ^^

merci pur l'info
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❤ 준수 ❤
❤ 준수 ❤

Féminin Nombre de messages : 1719
Age : 40
Localisation : Paris - Seoul - Le Caire... dans mes rêves plutôt
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mar 26 Sep 2006 - 21:47

je vous l'avais dit que les DBSG alalient tourner un X-Man ensemble !!!
vous n'avez pas été patients xDD enfin pas tout le monde !
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Spider-cochon °(oo)°
Spider-cochon °(oo)°

Féminin Nombre de messages : 5118
Age : 38
Localisation : Jaejoongland ~ *o*
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 28 Sep 2006 - 19:15

omg omg omg! je viens de lire un truc trop adorable!!!!! *_______*
fin c'est en anglais donc vous faites comme vous voulez mais je le poste quand meme:

Citation :
Hi, everyone!
Yesterday was the happiest day ever for me since I became Hero’s fan.
As everybody here knows, Hero’s first appearance on X-man meant a lot to his fans.
Very strangely, even with his humorousness,
he has been the last one among members to come out for a TV variety show.
So, when we heard Hero would be on X-man,
we thought that was so important chance for him to show his talent
not only to SM staffs but also to TV stations staffs and people who don’t know Hero.

In Korea, when a star shoots that kind of show,
fans would send some food to show their love and boast the star’s popularity.
Until now, when U-know or Micky went to those shows, their fans sent much food and presents,
and that has made staffs in TV stations surprised and impressed by TVXQ fans and TVXQ’s popularity.
And yesterday was our turn, and it was our chance!
The chance was given to us after three year-long waiting.
So Hero’s Korean fans prepared for it with all the hearts and efforts...

Now, let’s see what happened yesterday.

In the morning, Korean newspapers reported that
Kang Ho-dong (the mc of X-man), in a press conference to announce his marriage, proudly said, “TVXQ’s Hero’s fans has sent me flowers to congratulate my wedding.”
Kang Ho-dong is very important person in broadcasting circle,
and (in my opinion) somebody might have sent the flowers
to ask him to be good to Hero in Hero’s first appearance on X-man.

Hero allegedly went in SBS a little bit earlier than other members.
When he was waiting, some individual fans sent him
and staffs some present. And Hero was very happy with it.

When all other entertainers arrived, some allied fanpages of Hero sent X-man a lot of food for dinner.
There was so many and various food, so everyone (allegedly about 100 people) was full. (Everyone knew it was from Hero’s fans.^^)

Meanwhile In X-man, Hero was so cheerful and humorous.
(I was not in the station, these are all we heard from internet.)
Hero and Max did dang-yon-ha-ji, and Hero won Max,
(Yoon-ho and Jun-su did dang-yon-ha-ji and Jun su won,
Yu-chun did it with other woman.).
Hero sang 발걸음 (the song he sang in the concert)
and again, he and Micky sang a funny song to tease MCs.
(When doing this, Hero was playing piano!)

There was a wrestling-like game,
and to win it, each team had to drive out the other team’s members out of the floor.
Hero desperately stuck on the floor not to be driven out,
and he was the last one on the floor who made the team win!

He was couple of yook Hye-seung (former Sugar member),
and with carrying her on his back, he sang “넌 감동이었어 nun-gam-dong-yi-ut-seo by Sung see-gyung”.

I don’t know more detail than stories written above, but what I know is,
He was so~joyful and cheery mood,
so somebody who was there described his feeling as “he was flying all the way.”

I don’t know who was the X-man.^^;;

When the shooting ended, the entertainers and staffs came to the waiting room and
found out another food of mountain was there. It was from another fanpage of Hero.
Fans sent special food separately for TVXQ, so TVXQ got them on their car.
At this time, a fan was passing by and shouted to Hero,
“Hero! Enjoy these food!”
and Hero’s face came out of the car, smiling, and said
“복터졌네! Bok-toe-jut-ne!”
which means, “luck and Happiness has exploded!” (복: 福)

Oh my god…he said himself 복터졌네!!
Maybe he knew that all these things came for him from his fans, and he might have felt his fans’ fierce love to him. He might have felt he was exploded with fans’ love!
This was our goal, this was our dream, to make him feel the happiest!
He himself said this with happy smile!!!
All the efforts and hardship were totally forgotten at the moment he said 복터졌네!!!

You see?Let’s express your love to him so that he can see it!!!
It made him so happy and at last we heard him saying himself 복터졌네~!!!!

I am still so excited to report this. As a fan, the foremost goal of my love to Hero was to see him happy (you know…my nickname is HappyHero… This nickname was made as a kind of praying “May Hero be happy…”)

Originally, we anticipated him to be alone or U-know on the show, but all the five came out. We do not know anything about next schedules but the 맛대맛 (a food related program) on Wednesday. On that day, we won’t send him food, because it is food show.

Thank you for reading this rumbling story. I hope we can make him happy again and again… Show your love to him…Do not hide it…There are hundreds of ways to express it…

Let’s make him say again, 복터졌네 with so happy look!
credit: dbsk thai.
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Féminin Nombre de messages : 1719
Age : 40
Localisation : Paris - Seoul - Le Caire... dans mes rêves plutôt
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2006

[Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec...   [Archives] JaeJoong dans l'émission X-Man avec... - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 28 Sep 2006 - 22:14

woooooo mais faut que je lise tout ça moi! xD
ça serait bien qu'on la traduise en anglais !
je reviens pour les commentaires ! ^^

edit : waaaaaa trop kawaii les fans coréennes !! >.< lui envoyer à manger et lui il est content !!! comment j'aimerai trop faire ça !!! shy
PTDR quand elle a dit qu'envoyer de la bouffe alors qu'il sera dans une émission culinaire bah ça sert à rien xDD trop fort !!! c'est normal, ils sont déjà à bouffer! -____-
merci pour le texte !! on va traduire ça rapido ! ^^ pour que le splus jeunes comprennent ! ^^
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