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 [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!

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Yang Rachel Say
maya chan
21 participants
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Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Féminin Nombre de messages : 526
Age : 33
Localisation : hmm...près de chez Mickey...Mouse XD
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 16 Nov 2008 - 14:37

Je suis d'accord avec toi, c'est d'ailleurs pour ça que BoA sort un album en anglais, que Tokio Hotel en fait de même, pour pouvoir percer sur le marché américain. Parce qu'il faut chanter en anglais (pas forcément le parler) pour pouvoir avoir un potentiel de succès.

Mais personnellement, je ne pense pas que la prochaine cible des DBSK, si ils en ont, ce serait le marché nord-américain mais plutôt celui de l'Amérique Latine où comme je l'ai dit, quelques médias en parlent au Pérou, au Mexique, ou encore au Brésil et en Argentine, et où les fans semblent organisés et actifs. ça peut donc être un réel point de départ où ils ont bien plus de chances de succès.
Et ils ne seront pas obligés de chanter en espagnol ou en portuguais, et ça, c'est bien ! XD
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☆ TVXQ 사랑 ☆
☆ TVXQ 사랑 ☆

Féminin Nombre de messages : 3424
Age : 36
Localisation : partout sauf ailleurs
Date d'inscription : 21/10/2006

[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mer 3 Déc 2008 - 1:57

Nate a écrit un nouvel article hier! Il est extra ce mec!!

+ la preview du reportage : http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1772823786?bctid=3660038001

Citation :
Asia Song Festival - Seoul, Korea
Posted on December 1, 2008 at 07:15 PM

Ok, so does anyone remember the "boy band" days? Nsync, Backstreet Boys, New Kids On The Block, or any other group with three or more members, singing and busting out choreographed dance moves? Well, in the United States, the "boy band" era, for the most part, has faded away. But in Korea--it is as strong as ever! I couldn’t BELIEVE how HYSTERICAL people were for Korean Pop (a.k.a "K-Pop"). I spent a whole day surrounded by thousands of screaming teenage girls. I loved how excited they were to see their favorite K-Pop singers, but I think I lost most of my hearing by the end of the day. Lol. Just kiddin.

The thing that surprised me the most about some of the "adoring", "sweet", and "innocent" teenage girls was the things they SAID they would do to their pop star if they could get the chance! Lol. I was thinking "Girl! You are like, 15! How do YOU know what THAT is--or how to do that -- where the HECK is your mother!" Lol. I guess I underestimated the Korean youth.

While at the festival, I learned about all kinds of FAMOUS K-Pop bands like: Girls Generations, Shinee and a whole bunch more! But, the ONE band that I heard about every single second of the day was TVXQ, also known as: DONG BANG SHIN KI. They have a fan club of more than 800 thousand in Korea ALONE --that's not including the rest of the world!

When I told some K-Pop fans that I hung-out with TVXQ, I was immediately rushed and touched as though 'I' were them! I guess I didn't realize how FAMOUS they were at the time. Lol.

Well, if you're looking for a festival you can go to for great dancing, great singing, and lots of excitement...then I HIGHLY recommend the ASIA SONG FESTIVAL!

p.s. When I returned to the United States, I came across tons of blogs asking about a particular picture with TVXQ and myself (click on link for picture).

People were asking why TVXQ was looking so mad or confused. It was neither. During the time of this picture, I was talking to my producer regarding my position in reference to the camera. Since TVXQ didn't speak English, they were just waiting for the translator (not in frame) to tell them what we were talking about. :-)

I had a GREAT time hanging out with them. They are all COOL dudes! We were laughing and joking around with each other almost the whole time. I hope I answered some of the questions that were asked. If I missed any... hit me up on my blog, and we'll talk!


Credits: http://fuseblog.typepad.com/nates_travelogue/2008/12/asia-song-festi.html
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Spider-cochon °(oo)°
Spider-cochon °(oo)°

Féminin Nombre de messages : 5118
Age : 38
Localisation : Jaejoongland ~ *o*
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2006

[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Mer 3 Déc 2008 - 16:05

haaan! mdr j'adore la fin de la preview quand il gueule TVXQ et que tout le monde cire! XD
ce mec a l'air bien fun en effet! ^^
tres sympa son petit article la! vive le reportage! ^^
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[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 4 Déc 2008 - 0:57

Haa xD J'ai regardé quelques partie de l'émission xD J'aime trop quand Yunho lui apprends à faire "Da Chin Dance" xD &² quelques autres parties de Mirotic xD Après pendant le concert il crie "Moi, ça! Je sais le faire! xD" N'empêche qu'il est trop marrant le présentateur. <3 C'est ce qu'on appelle une bonne émission avec un bon présentateur. <3 [High Five <3]
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Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Féminin Nombre de messages : 526
Age : 33
Localisation : hmm...près de chez Mickey...Mouse XD
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Jeu 4 Déc 2008 - 1:23

Saori a écrit:
Nate a écrit un nouvel article hier! Il est extra ce mec!!

+ la preview du reportage : http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1772823786?bctid=3660038001

Citation :
Asia Song Festival - Seoul, Korea
Posted on December 1, 2008 at 07:15 PM

Ok, so does anyone remember the "boy band" days? Nsync, Backstreet Boys, New Kids On The Block, or any other group with three or more members, singing and busting out choreographed dance moves? Well, in the United States, the "boy band" era, for the most part, has faded away. But in Korea--it is as strong as ever! I couldn’t BELIEVE how HYSTERICAL people were for Korean Pop (a.k.a "K-Pop"). I spent a whole day surrounded by thousands of screaming teenage girls. I loved how excited they were to see their favorite K-Pop singers, but I think I lost most of my hearing by the end of the day. Lol. Just kiddin.

The thing that surprised me the most about some of the "adoring", "sweet", and "innocent" teenage girls was the things they SAID they would do to their pop star if they could get the chance! Lol. I was thinking "Girl! You are like, 15! How do YOU know what THAT is--or how to do that -- where the HECK is your mother!" Lol. I guess I underestimated the Korean youth.

While at the festival, I learned about all kinds of FAMOUS K-Pop bands like: Girls Generations, Shinee and a whole bunch more! But, the ONE band that I heard about every single second of the day was TVXQ, also known as: DONG BANG SHIN KI. They have a fan club of more than 800 thousand in Korea ALONE --that's not including the rest of the world!

When I told some K-Pop fans that I hung-out with TVXQ, I was immediately rushed and touched as though 'I' were them! I guess I didn't realize how FAMOUS they were at the time. Lol.

Well, if you're looking for a festival you can go to for great dancing, great singing, and lots of excitement...then I HIGHLY recommend the ASIA SONG FESTIVAL!

p.s. When I returned to the United States, I came across tons of blogs asking about a particular picture with TVXQ and myself (click on link for picture).

People were asking why TVXQ was looking so mad or confused. It was neither. During the time of this picture, I was talking to my producer regarding my position in reference to the camera. Since TVXQ didn't speak English, they were just waiting for the translator (not in frame) to tell them what we were talking about. :-)

I had a GREAT time hanging out with them. They are all COOL dudes! We were laughing and joking around with each other almost the whole time. I hope I answered some of the questions that were asked. If I missed any... hit me up on my blog, and we'll talk!


Credits: http://fuseblog.typepad.com/nates_travelogue/2008/12/asia-song-festi.html

Il ya une traduction que j'ai faite de cet article sur GMS, vous pouvez aller voir ! ^^

Sinon, j'ai regardé les bouts du show, c'était excellent ! XD
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Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Féminin Nombre de messages : 272
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2007

[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Dim 7 Déc 2008 - 19:14

Trooop cool! Je suis vraiment super contente pour eux! Une grande ascension!

Et Nate est cool bien entendu! ;)
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[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!   [archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !! - Page 2 Icon_minitime1

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[archives]Les TVXQ prochainement à la télé américaine !!
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