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 [archives] DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling

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2 participants
Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Féminin Nombre de messages : 288
Age : 27
Localisation : Avec les Johnny's!!Surtout Ryo!!
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2007

[archives]  DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling Empty
MessageSujet: [archives] DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling   [archives]  DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling Icon_minitime1Dim 1 Fév 2009 - 21:33

Citation :
DBSK concert tickets are to be sold by official websites only. All fanclubs are prohibited from selling tickets for their own benefit. There have been numerous websites providing an avenue for tickets to change hands in recent years. Tickets have been auctioned on these websites and even sold for a price much higher than usual. Such actions have violated artistes' rights! No matter the reason, selling or buying a ticket above the originial price is an illegal act. Inappropriate selling or buying of tickets may lead to sccuffles, which neither DBSK, its recording company nor fanclub Bigeast will be responsible for!! Please do not buy illegally sold tickets!!! At the same time, tickets that are bought illegally may be denied entry.

Take out with full crédits
.Source:泷爱在在+ 金家四少的爱+ Red_Sense @baidu
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Accro du fofo *O*
Accro du fofo *O*

Nombre de messages : 470
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2008

[archives]  DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [archives] DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling   [archives]  DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling Icon_minitime1Mar 3 Fév 2009 - 16:23

Moué ben si les billets étaient plus accessibles aux fans occidentaux notamment, on serait pas forcé de trouver des moyens détournés pour en trouver...
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[archives] DBSK: Illegal ticket-selling
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